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Horse in Stable

My Art Stall

I wanted a sort-of holding area for those pieces of uncertainty. Pieces that don't hit the overall target as a whole, but yet there's a part that stands out and tells me it's worthwhile. A stall came to mind. I normally think of horses when I think of stalls. And, I love horses. But this is a place where I can put paintings I'm not sure should make the Art Cafe. Because, sometimes a painting has to live with me for a while. I may continue to work on it. Or my husband might see something I don't. Or I may choose to paint over it. As songwriter Paul Carrack says, "It may have a new perspective. On a different day."  

© 2023 by Sonya Zacker

"How can I be useful, of what service can I be? — Vincent Van Gogh

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